Fear, Anxiety, Bitterness, Repeating the cycle Break the bondage on your mind and your emotions. Renona shares her story and how faith-based counseling helped her. She believes that sharing her story is a calling on her life. She hopes it will help someone else to break free.
Leslie Latimore-Lorfils is championing the cause of homeless female veterans. Listen as she shares her story about being in the Ms. Veteran America Competition, pregnant with her 11th child.
There is a lot of things going on in this world the capture and require our attention. Some things are very hard to see particularly when they affect people we love. Hurricane Harvey just devastated an entire region of our country. Its effects didn't discriminate based on gender, race, or religion.
Now is the time for restoration. Many people and organizations are asking for a donation. So many hands are out asking people to give. Why should I give? What's in it for me?
You'll never soar if you don't let go and take flight.
~Ms. Nena B.
Yesterday I released my first e-book "7 Days of Prayer and Meditation." I let go and took flight. It was a surreal feeling to finally share this love product. I am so excited to know that people are reading it and using it. My goal was to keep it simple. I don't believe that God calls us to be complicated in our prayer journey. I believe He just wants us to be sincere in heart. If you don't have it already, I encourage you to request your own copy at msnenabshow.com/free-ebook.
Facebook Live Video Replay: Go for the low hanging fruit.
Stay away from the Superman complex. Most people don't leap tall buildings in a single bound. Most people don't achieve big goals in one big leap. They achieve them through small victories. Listen to what and why you should go for the small victories.
Thank you, Heather of MamaCranberry.org for recognizing me with The Liebster Award. MamaCranberry.org is Inspiring You to Live Life to its Fullest. I love that our tag-lines are about the same and we are all about inspiring and helping people. As part of the award, I have to answer these question from Mama Cranberry. Here it goes:
Well, you see the headline is three things you must break free of to be successful. There are 3 things you must give up in order to successfully pursue your dream. So what are those three things?
I know you may read and hear a lot about black greek organizations and I'm not trying to respond to every comment or debate anyone's position. But I want to lift my voice to say I'm proud to be a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
I wanted to share 3 Reasons why DELTA works for me. Don't get me wrong, any organization that's run by people isn't perfect. But neither am I so.. Delta works for me.
Listen to the interview with author and speaker Cheryl Peavy. The creator of the "She is You" Facebook Group. She is a woman. She is a person. She is passionate and courageous. She has forgiven herself for all the mistakes she has made. God is within her. She will not fail. This woman is none other than you. She is you! "She is You" is more than a community. It is a family. This is a place of love, encouragement, and support. This family helps women recognize their self-worth and to be authentically you.