How do we give our confidence an extra boost? Sometimes we need to be reminded of the simple ways that help build our confidence in ourselves and help others have confidence in us. #confidence #staypositive #positiveselfimage

Is your LinkedIn profile needing a makeover? Are you wondering how to show your professional and entrepreneur experience in your profile? Are you wondering how to find a job on LinkedIn? Are you wondering how to connect to new people on LinkedIn? If so, learn how to establish your personal brand on LinkedIn. Register for […]

Do you feel like 2017 just carried over. That it really didn’t stop. You didn’t get that first start of a new year that you expected. Well, time to TAKE 2 on 2018. You get to start again. Set your goals and move forward. Happy New Year.

Andrea Merriman is a Wife, Mother, Speaker, Trainer & Creative Harmony Coach. She has survived the death of two daughters working through the pain with purpose and passion. Working diligently to raise her surviving children she organizes her day to fill her passion, by sharing her techniques and strength with other women in need.
Listen as Andrea shared how she took that pain and changed it to PEARLS.
P-To Plan, E-Be Empower Yourself, A-Take Action, R-Review, L-Be a Leader, S-Start Sharing.
We congratulate Andrea for being one of the phenomenal co-authors of the “Diary of a People Pleasure” compiled by Cheryl Peavy.

Sometimes in life, you have to make a radical move. You have to leave people and things behind in order to be in the right place for your destiny. Listen as Marsha shares her story of leaving Jamaica despite opposition because she felt there was more for her. She was no longer tied to relationships that did not support her and her dreams.

Written, directed and produced by Autumn Canaday, “Chance” is a faith-based web series with many layers that examines God's providence, the path of salvation, life options based on socioeconomic status and hope.

Fear, Anxiety, Bitterness, Repeating the cycle Break the bondage on your mind and your emotions. Renona shares her story and how faith-based counseling helped her. She believes that sharing her story is a calling on her life. She hopes it will help someone else to break free.

There is a lot of things going on in this world the capture and require our attention. Some things are very hard to see particularly when they affect people we love. Hurricane Harvey just devastated an entire region of our country. Its effects didn't discriminate based on gender, race, or religion.
Now is the time for restoration. Many people and organizations are asking for a donation. So many hands are out asking people to give. Why should I give? What's in it for me?

You'll never soar if you don't let go and take flight.
~Ms. Nena B.
Yesterday I released my first e-book "7 Days of Prayer and Meditation." I let go and took flight. It was a surreal feeling to finally share this love product. I am so excited to know that people are reading it and using it. My goal was to keep it simple. I don't believe that God calls us to be complicated in our prayer journey. I believe He just wants us to be sincere in heart. If you don't have it already, I encourage you to request your own copy at msnenabshow.com/free-ebook.

Well, you see the headline is three things you must break free of to be successful. There are 3 things you must give up in order to successfully pursue your dream. So what are those three things?